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Vol.9 No.1
Vol.9 No.1 pp.14-19
Report on “nuclear emergency medical basic training” at Advanced Radiation Emergency Medical Support Center: Case report of Hirosaki University
1 Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
2 Advance Emergency and Critical Care Center, Hirosaki University Hospital
2 Advance Emergency and Critical Care Center, Hirosaki University Hospital
Key words : Advanced Radiation Emergency Medical Support Center, Nuclear Emergency Core Hospital, radiation emergency medicine, education
Advanced Radiation Emergency Medical Support Center and Nuclear Emergency Core Hospitals, which play a central role in nuclear emergency medical care, are required to periodically provide education and training in nuclear emergency medical care to all staff at their facilities. Although it is difficult to set training content and inform all hospital staff, including outsourcing staff, it is necessary for stakeholders of nuclear emergency medicine to work at each institution to raise awareness of radiation medical education and make efforts by each institution to increase the rate of attendance. Hirosaki University, which the authors belong, has been conducting our staff training on nuclear emergency medicine several times one year since it was designated as an Advanced Radiation Emergency Medical Support Center in August 2015. As of February 2020, about 80% of all employees have taken the course. In this paper, we report on our institution's efforts to increase the attendance rate and the contents of the training in detail.