- Vol.12 No.2
(2024) - Vol.12 No.1
(2024) - Vol.11 No.2
(2023) - Vol.11 No.1
(2023) - Vol.10 No.2
(2022) - Vol.10 No.1
(2022) - Vol.9 No.2
(2021) - Vol.9 No.1
(2021) - Vol.8 No.2
(2020) - Vol.8 No.1
(2020) - Vol.7 No.1
(2019) - Vol.6 No.1
(2018) - Vol.5 No.1
(2017) - Vol.4 No.1
(2016) - Vol.3 No.1
(2015) - Vol.2 No.1
(2014) - Vol.1 No.1
Vol.6 No.1
Vol.6 No.1 pp.1-2
All nurses need for radiological nursing on the daily practice
Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Original Articles
Vol.6 No.1 pp.3-11
The expected role of nurses by perspectives of radiologists and radiologic technologists
Tokyo Health Care University
Keywords: nurses, radiological nursing education, radiation protection, radiologists, radiological technologists
Vol.6 No.1 pp.12-21
Investigation about recognition of occupational exposure and radiation education in nurses engaged in intervention radiology
1 Nippon Medical School Musashikosugi Hospital
2 Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
2 Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
Keywords: IVR, radiation, anxiety, knowledge
Vol.6 No.1 pp.22-32
Anxiety in radiology nurses about occupational exposure: A qualitative analysis
1 School of Nursing, Seirei Christopher University
2 Aichi Medical University Graduate School of Nursing
2 Aichi Medical University Graduate School of Nursing
Keywords: occupational exposure, radiological protection, anxiety, management
Vol.6 No.1 pp.33-42
External radiation exposure in the family of a patient receiving radioactive iodine-131 therapy for thyroid cancer
1 Hirosaki University Hospital
2 Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
2 Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
Keywords: radioactive 131I therapy, external exposure, anxiety
Vol.6 No.1 pp.43-51
Nursing during the early period of the operation of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission:
From the testimony of Japanese doctor and nurses
From the testimony of Japanese doctor and nurses
1 Graduate School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University
2 Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University
2 Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University
Keywords: ABCC, health care of the radiation-exposed, oral history approach
Vol.6 No.1 pp.52-56
Development of medical record (IVR notebook) regarding with follow-up of the radiation dermatitis of patients who have received IVR
1 Tokyo Rinkai Hospital
2 Tokyo Healthcare University
2 Tokyo Healthcare University
Keywords: IVR, radiation injury, follow-up of the radiation dermatitis
Vol.6 No.1 pp.57-61
The origin and current status of the word “hibaku”
Nagano College of Nursing
Keywords: radiation exposure, language difference, word origin, hibakusha
The 6th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Nursing Society of Japan
Vol.6 No.1 pp.62-63
Future explored by radiological nursing
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Vol.6 No.1 pp.64-67
Past and future of radiological nursing: Risk and responsibility in providing nursing care
1 Professor Emerita, Nagano College of Nursing
2 Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University
2 Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University
Vol.6 No.1 pp.68-69
Future of radiation oncology nursing
Hyogo Cancer Center Department of Nursing
Vol.6 No.1 pp.70-71
Efforts on the reduction of radiation exposure in radiation practice
1 Asahi General Hospital
2 Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, Radiation Protection Committee
2 Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, Radiation Protection Committee
Vol.6 No.1 p.72
A role and problem of our hospital in the nuclear disaster medical care system:
Efforts as a nuclear disaster medical care/general support center
Efforts as a nuclear disaster medical care/general support center
Chief Nurse, Nursing Department, Hiroshima University Hospital
Vol.6 No.1 p.73
Establishment of nursing for particle therapy after try and error
Hyogo Ion Beam Medical Center Kobe Proton Center
Vol.6 No.1 p.74
Acceptance of injured persons at nuclear facilities and others to medical institutions and nursing care
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Vol.6 No.1 pp.75-76
Measures against radioactive contamination at a medical institution,
measurement of radioactive contamination of the patient and evaluation of exposure to medical staff
Department of Radiological Sciences, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences
Vol.6 No.1 p.77
Prior accidents and health risk for radiation exposure to medical staff
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Vol.6 No.1 p.78
Nurses' role in radiation emergency medicine
Department of Nursing Science, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
Vol.6 No.1 p.79
IVR nursing road to the future
Japanese Society of Interventional Radiology Nursing Chair
Vol.6 No.1 pp.80-81
Toward fostering radiological nursing professionals: Education and research in Nagasaki University/Fukushima Medical University Joint Graduate School Disaster and Radiation Exposure Medical Sciences Joint Degree
1 Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
2 Fukushima Medical University, Graduate School of Medicine
3 Division of Disaster and Radiation Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Master Course
4 Division of Disaster and Radiation Medical Sciences Joint Major, Fukushima Medical University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Master Course
2 Fukushima Medical University, Graduate School of Medicine
3 Division of Disaster and Radiation Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Master Course
4 Division of Disaster and Radiation Medical Sciences Joint Major, Fukushima Medical University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Master Course
Vol.6 No.1 pp.82-83
Review the meeting, ‘The problem and future perspective of radiation emergency medical system and role of a nurse' which was organized by academic promotion committee
Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences